Chris’s current favourite subject matter. He is happy to consider commissions and has access to studio space or is happy to shoot at your choice of location.
Taken for a model going to a steampunk wedding party, she wanted some environmental portraits taken beforehand.
Mother and baby: this was just a grab shot taken with a Canon 50mm f1.4 prime lens. This a great lens for capturing those magic moments.
Lady in red. An outdoor portrait taken in difficult conditions, it was very cold and windy but we managed to create the illusion of a calm and warm scene.
Tender love. This image was taken at the models home in their kitchen so as you can see I can create a studio atmosphiere in your own home.
A dog’s last days. This dear old lady’s dog was nearing its last days so I sat with her for a couple of hours to comfort her and asked if she minded me taking a few pictures, it was a very moving moment. Overall winner of the LCC Portrait Competition 2017.
Elizabeth with her best friend, Won a silver medal in the WCPF (Western Counties Photographic Federation) members exhibition 2013.
Film Star. This image was shotlisted for the APOY Photographer of the year August 2021
This image was shotlisted for the APOY Photographer of the year August 2021
The reality of life: street photography is all about chance encounters and random incidents. This image was taken during a heavy shower in Plymouth. It won a Highly Commended in the CPA (Cornwall Photographic Alliance) Annual Competition 2016.
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